Friday, May 13, 2011

Playboy Tuesday Trivia Prize Pack

  For the past couple of months Playboy has been running a contest on twitter called 'Tuesday Trivia' hosted by Playmate Kassie Lyn Logsdon. In addition to entering the contest myself. I've been trying to get others to play as well. To my surprise, I actually won the contest on 4/26. Today my Prize Pack arrived in the mail and as you can see. I won some awesome gear (2011 Playmate Calendar, Hat, Boxers, Double CD and a nice hand written thank you note)! 
   Especially now that I've won. I will do my best to get as many of you to play as I possibly can. Why wouldn't you give yourself the chance to win some cool free stuff like I did!? 
   Thank you Playboy! Thanks also to Kassie! She is a major part of the contest. Who knows if I would have participated if she wasn't the host.