Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is 1 vote per day for PMOY enough?

     Do you want to vote more than once a day for your favorite Playmate for PMOY? Here is how to do it. Playboy puts a tracking cookie on your web browser that expires every 24 hours allowing you to only vote once a day. Let's say you have two computers. Then you can vote twice a day, etc, etc. Now if you have multiple web browsers, chrome, explorer, safari, etc. Thats three or more votes on the same machine per day. Just vote once on each browser. To vote unlimited times. Just clear the browsing data (cookies) off of your computer every time you vote.
     I'm not suggesting that you sit at your computer for ten hours straight and vote 10,000 times in one day for your favorite. I only told you how. I don't see the harm or rules against voting as many times as you can without removing the browsing data (cookies) from your machine. For most people thats 4 or 5 votes a day. Have fun and vote!